Awareness of Mental Health Problems - Level 2 Certificate - elearning (SDAMHPAL/23)

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Course details

Would you like to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of mental health issues? Employers – in particular those in the health and social care sector – are increasingly interested in their staff having a sound understanding of a range of mental health problems, so having a qualification in mental health can be a good way to boost your CV.

You'll learn about what is meant by mental health as a general term, then you’ll discover more about specific mental health conditions, and how you can better work or interact with people with those conditions.

What do I need to join the course?

  • Have achieved a Level 2 English qualification.
  • Able to commit 10-14 hours per week to your learning and work submission.
  • Access to a computer/laptop and have a stable internet connection.
  • A word-processing application (such as Microsoft Word) for submitting work.
  • A notepad and a pen for making notes.
  • You will speak to one of our Advisors prior to enrolling on the course.

Don’t worry if you don’t meet all of the entry requirements. Please contact us, as we may be able to offer additional support and guidance, depending on your circumstances.

What do I need to provide for the first session?

You just need to have an interest in the subject and the personal commitment needed to complete the course in your own time.

How will I be taught?

You will study completely online and work at your own pace, benefiting from access to online content, including resources such as interactive case studies, videos and study notes.

You will be allocated an assessor who will keep in touch with you to review your work and offer any guidance you may need. You will also agree a planned completion date with your assessor. Typically we would allow up to 24 calendar weeks for completion of the course.

What will I learn?

You will learn about:

The legal frameworks which ensure high quality care is provided.

The causes, effects on individuals and their daily lives and ways in which the following conditions can be  managed:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • phobias
  • depression
  • post natal depression
  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia
  • dementia
  • eating disorders
  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
  • PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder)

What qualification will I get?

On successful completion of the course and all coursework you will be awarded a Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems

What could I do next?

You may consider progressing to one of our other eLearning courses or perhaps you would like to join some of our other Adult Learning courses such as mindfulness, dyslexia, dyspraxia, self esteem and confidence building, cookery or computer skills, English, maths, employability and Support Work in Schools.

Can we help you to learn?

You can find more information on the Financial help and additional support page or you can contact us to talk about this and any other support we can provide.